Full Name
Sinda Nichols
Job Title
Carleton College
Speaker Bio
Sinda Nichols has directed the Center for Community and Civic Engagement at Carleton College since 2020. She identifies as a higher education boundary spanner focused on fostering civic agency across institutions and communities. She has a bachelor’s from Carleton and a master’s in social work from The University of Texas at Austin. Highlights & Recent Activity
Campus Compact 2023-24 Field Data Fellow“Campus Coalitions Towards Indigenous Futures: ARCE Reflections on Institutional and Pedagogical Change”, co-authored by Meredith McCoy, assistant professor of American studies and history, Zia NoiseCat ’23, Sinda Nichols, director of the CCCE, and community partner Paul Dressen of the Prairie Island Indian Community, Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices, 2023.“Indigenous Communities Liaison at Carleton College” grant co-directed by Sinda Nichols, Michael McNally, and Meredith McCoy, awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities in partnership with the Social Science Research Council Sustaining Humanities Infrastructure Program, 2022
Organizations & Scholarly AffiliationsPlace-Based Justice NetworkCampus CompactImagining AmericaProject Pericles
Campus Compact 2023-24 Field Data Fellow“Campus Coalitions Towards Indigenous Futures: ARCE Reflections on Institutional and Pedagogical Change”, co-authored by Meredith McCoy, assistant professor of American studies and history, Zia NoiseCat ’23, Sinda Nichols, director of the CCCE, and community partner Paul Dressen of the Prairie Island Indian Community, Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices, 2023.“Indigenous Communities Liaison at Carleton College” grant co-directed by Sinda Nichols, Michael McNally, and Meredith McCoy, awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities in partnership with the Social Science Research Council Sustaining Humanities Infrastructure Program, 2022
Organizations & Scholarly AffiliationsPlace-Based Justice NetworkCampus CompactImagining AmericaProject Pericles
Speaking At