This six-part virtual workshop series will bring Campus Compact members together for shared learning and dialogue on resource cultivation and fundraising for civic and community engagement. Throughout the series, attendees will:

  • Learn from community engagement professionals and leaders who have successfully generated significant support to endow their centers, support faculty, engaged scholarship and teaching, and/or support specific programs
  • Hear directly from development professionals on effective strategies for collaborating, what pitfalls to avoid, and what they need in order to support your priorities
  • Engage in dialogue with fellow attendees around this topic

These workshops are open to active Campus Compact members and are a benefit of Campus Compact membership. If you have a question about your member status, please contact Natalie at

Past Sessions

Session 1 - Building confidence and making sense of fundraising for community and civic engagement 

February 28, 2023, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (EDT)

Dr. David Weerts, a recognized expert and leader in resource development for community engagement, kicked-off the series. During this session David provided attendees with a landscape of fundraising and resource development in the community/civic engagement field. This included discussing successful strategies in the field, how to overcome challenges in working effectively with your institution’s development team, and how to build your confidence in advancing your agenda and navigating the fundraising process. Attendees were engaged in small groups and completed interactive exercises throughout the workshop.

David Weerts is a professor of higher education and the faculty director for academic planning and programs in the Office for Public Engagement at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He also serves as director of the Engagement Academy for University Leaders.

Session 2 - Showcase of donor-funded civic and community engagement centers

Asynchronous session—This session took place live at the TRUCEN Annual Meeting on March 28, 2023

Four executive directors and senior leaders shared their paths for garnering major gifts and endowments to support their centers.  This included time for attendees to ask questions and dig deeper with presenters.

Session 3 - Showcase of donor-funded professorships, programs, and initiatives

April 25, 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

During this second showcase session, participants heard from campus leaders that have successfully garnered resources for dedicated projects and professorships.  Attendees also had time to ask questions and connect directly with presenters.

  • JAG Public Services Fellows Program (Muskingum University) 
    • Brian King, Associate Professor of Political Science and Co-Director, John and Annie Glenn Public Service Fellows Program 
    • Keith Eberly, Associate Professor of Education and Co-Director, John and Annie Glenn Public Service Fellows Program 
  • McCormick Internship Program and Steans Graduate Fellowship (DePaul University) 
  • Padnos/Sarosik Endowed Professor of Civil Discourse (Grand Valley State University)
    Occasionally, inspired donors come to the institution with an idea that also inspires us. At Grand Valley State University, we have been able to craft a vision together with supporters and move towards making a difference in building a civil society—a society in which we listen to one another. The Padnos/Sarosik Endowed Professorship of Civil Discourse grew out of this joint vision and is a program that elevates the civil discourse and dialogue work of the endowed professor who is selected through a competitive process. As part of the professorship, the Endowed Professor develops an undergraduate course and public symposium which facilitate the use of civil discourse in examining divergent views about a contemporary issue.   
    • Lisa Perhamus, Director of the Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civic Discourse and Associate Professor in the Foundations of Education Program
    • Mark Schaub, Dean, Brooks Colleg of Interdisciplinary Studies

Session 4 - Federal earmark funding opportunities for advancing civic and community engagement

May 10, 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT)

This fourth session featured field leaders who have successfully garnered federal (and in some cases also state) government appropriations to advance civic and community engagement priorities. We welcomed a government relations professional to the session to share tips and approaches for being an effective collaborator.

Moderator: Bobbie Laur, President of Campus Compact 

  • Nyeema Watson, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Inclusion, and Civic Engagement, Rutgers University-Camden 
  • Gia Grier McGinnis, Executive Director for Loyola’s Center for Community, Service, and Justice (CCSJ) and the York Road Initiative, Loyola University Maryland 
  • Bill Bates, Founding Partner, Washington Navigators 

Announcements of funding: 

Share your work and stay tuned!

Corporate and Foundation Giving--has your institution/center been successful in partnering effectively with corporate foundations and/or philanthropic foundations to advance civic and community engagement?  If so, reach out to Bobbie!

More information coming soon on the corporate/foundation giving session and these additional sessions that are in the works:

  • A conversation with development professionals. A panel of fundraisers and development professionals will share what community engagement professionals need to know in order to effectively communicate their vision and needs.
  • Series wrap-up. David Weerts will return to facilitate an interactive session with participants to uncover key learnings and takeaways. Compact will also be seeking ideas and recommendations for future programming and resources that can support members in advancing their fundraising and resource cultivation priorities going forward.