Mindie Paget - The University of Kansas
Emily Eddins Rountree - University of Kansas
Jomella Watson-Thompson - The University of Kansas
With the increased need to tell the story of community engagement along with increasing needs for virtual communication methods, we turned to creative documentation through storymapping and a Community Checkbox to document and enhance connections between all service learning, community engagement, and civic engagement activities connected with the university. The project began as a way to display and encourage partnership networks and geographic and issue-based impact connections through our Engaged Department Initiative, and quickly expanded to become a means of communicating the story of community engagement with policy makers, senior administration, community partners, students, and other stakeholders.
|Learning outcomes:
- Explore two methods of creatively documenting community-engaged work: Community Checkbox and storymapping using ArcGIS
- Reflect on their own methods of documenting and displaying community-engaged work and how they might expand audiences, encourage partnership connection and formation, and organize and visually display community-engaged efforts
3:45 PM-4:35 PM Eastern | Breakout Sessions