Supporting Health through a Return to Traditional Foods Among Michigan Tribal Communities
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 3:40 PM - 4:30 PM

In this session, the presenters will share a video in which the team describes a PhotoVoice project to explore community members perceptions of how colonization has disrupted Native food systems, how these disruptions have contributed to economic and health disparities, and how tribes could support a return to locally produced and traditional foods. In the live session, the presenters will guide a discussion about how engaged research can raise awareness of community strengths and perspectives. There will also be a guided discussion of how Indigenous methods can be used to support equity in engaged research.

|Learning outcomes:

  • An example of community-engaged scholarship that highlights how research partnerships can raise awareness of community strengths and perspectives.
  • An example of PhotoVoice.
  • An example of Indigenous Methodology in practice.
Session Type
Watch Party
Meeting Times

3:40 PM-4:30 PM Eastern | Breakout Sessions