Join us for our first (of what will be offered quarterly) federal policy briefing. These virtual sessions aim to provide information directly to our members on what's happening at the federal level regarding appropriations, legislation, and priorities related to higher education civic and community engagement. In each session, we'll get a legislative update on relevant bills, hear about new federal programs being introduced or considered, and create space for dialogue and questions. Campus Compact's partners at Washington Navigators will lead the sessions.

October's session will cover the following topics:

  • Updates on bills and appropriations focused on Community Service, Federal Work Study, AmeriCorps, and other civic education priorities.
  • The FY24 congressional budget process and budget and programmatic implications of government shutdown threats, continuing resolutions, and ongoing negotiations.
  • What might this mean for the FY25 budget and process?
  • Will congressionally directed spending (earmarks) survive?
  • Recommendations for effectively engaging with your representatives on these issues
  • Q&A

This event is open to members and non members.


William (Bill) Bates

Partner at Washington Navigators

A. Scott Sudduth, Esq.

Partner at Washington Navigators