Full Name
Dahlia Castillo
Job Title
College of Health Sciences Community Engagement Fellow
The University of Texas at El Paso
Speaker Bio
Dr. Castillo is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Program Director at the University of Texas at El Paso Occupational Therapy Program. She is the UTEP College of Health Sciences Faculty Fellow in Community Engagement.
Dr. Castillo has been an occupational therapist since 1991. Since 2007, she has offered pro-bono occupational therapy services in at the same clinic in Juarez, Mexico where no occupational therapy services exist in the region. She has has incorporated community engaged educational programs and offerings to the El Paso region since 2010. In 2012 she began taking students to the clinic as an educational offering and has offered a variety of community practice options for students. She is involved in multiple community engagement initiatives within her institution of higher learning to incorporate and include health related topics in all types of students learning.