Reclaiming our Civic Purpose
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Martín Carcasson Andrew Seligsohn

The chapter authors in William Flores’ and Katrina Rogers’ recent book, Democracy, Civic Engagement, and Citizenship in Higher Education: Reclaiming our Civic Purpose, respond to the deep challenges facing American democracy by describing and proposing efforts to make colleges and universities agents of democratic renewal. This plenary session is a conversation among four of those authors representing diverse roles at diverse institutions. Our goal is to link the high ideals of a just and inclusive democracy with the practical work of changing our institutions for the better.

Location Name
Columbia Ballroom
Full Address
Hyatt Regency Seattle
808 Howell St
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
Session Type
General Session