Both/And: Holding the Tensions of Community-Partnerships in Student Social Change Programs
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Location Name
Denver 4
Focus Area
Centering community partner voice in decision-making
Session Type
Knowledge-to-Action Workshop

“Relationships move at the speed of trust. Social change moves at the speed of relationships.” As community-engaged professionals, our role is to encourage students to realize the power they hold when creating change. By doing this, we must also critically engage with how both our students and communities' needs can be met by engaging through effective communication, strong relationships, and mutual trust. This session is meant to encourage a sense of urgency with student local engagement while also focusing on the growth of future community-centered professionals. Our program and this workshop have been created with a foundation of representation of both communities. The tensions of making sure everyone has a role to play towards more impactful program have been kept in mind.