Block 2: Teaching Students Strategic Social Impact: An Integrated Model
Date & Time
Monday, April 8, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Location Name
Gold Coin
Focus Area
Addressing systemic inequities and wicked societal problems
Session Type
Promising Practice (two 20-minute sessions per block)

At the UVU Center for Social Impact, we develop compassionate community members who collaborate on strategic social impact. Our approach employs an innovative framework of relational care, the Pathways of Public Service model, and our own Integrated Social Impact Strategies model. This session will highlight our Integrated Social Impact Strategies model that includes the following strategies: Equity-Centered Design, Systems Thinking & Mapping, Theory of Change, and Impact Measurement. This model helps students visualize the full cycle of effective social impact, from understanding to acting to assessing, with multiple strategies to guide their way. We will present our official visuals and provide a brief overview of each strategy and its integration.