Ulla Hasager - University of Hawaii at Manoa
Amy Shachter - Santa Clara University
A diverse group of community members, faculty, staff, and students from institutions across the Pacific and North America has been working for some years through innovative collaborative infrastructures to address STEM participation challenges for indigenous students - particularly Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Pacific Islanders. The COMPACT22 presentation by this inclusive group is intended to inspire participants to engage in a talking circle to share their knowledge and experiences to find ways of practicing learning and research across institutions and communities connecting diverse local and indigenous ways of knowing with “traditional” academic sciences to address the capacious, contested, and unresolved issues of our time - including creating equity and inclusion of indigenous and other underserved groups in STEM education.
|Learning outcomes:
- Connecting indigenous knowing and traditional academic sciences - and understanding its importance for both higher education and the future
- Inspiration for new ways of teaching and learning science
- Understanding the reasons for the inequity facing actual/potential STEM students in higher education - and inspiration to do something about it