Full Name
Carol Geary Schneider
Job Title
Senior Advisor and President Emerita
College Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement Coalition and American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Speaker Bio
Carol Geary Schneider is senior advisor to the Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement Coalition (CLDE), which was launched in 2021 to help make college civic learning expected, inclusive, and high impact. Schneider served for 18 years as president of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), and then worked with Lumina Foundation on its quality and equity initiatives until 2020. She spoke at the White House release of A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy's Future, a 2012 report commissioned by the US Department of Education. Schneider has led and written about major national initiatives on preparing college students to help create solutions for the future—both in a diverse democracy and in an innovation-fueled economy.
Carol Geary Schneider