Session agendas

For Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy

How Can Educators Inspire High-Impact Civic and Democracy Learning Across the College Curriculum? 

October 1, 2024, 3:30 - 5:30 PM Eastern

Part 2 of the launch of Every Student, Every Degree: College Civic Learning for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy will work on feasible strategies for expanding meaningful civic learning and democracy engagement in different institutional contexts: two-year and four-year; public and private; general education and career and technical majors. Learn about how Full Participation Institutions already are making civic learning an inclusive expectation. The program also will probe ways that civic and small-d democratic learning can be combined with other key higher education priorities, specifically student success, career readiness, and high impact practices.

3:30 PM                 

Leading the College CLDE Movement in a Deeply Polarized Environment

4:15 PM

Full Speed Ahead:  Concurrent Working Sessions (Choose One)

Leading Together to Make College CLDE Inclusive – and Directly Connected to Student Success – in:

  • Community Colleges
  • Small and Medium Size Institutions
  • Research Universities

Sessions will each be led by leaders from two or three Full Participation Institutions (FPIs).  The profiles of each FPI will shared in advance, allowing the session to work on developing an action plan, overcoming obstacles, building leadership, identifying partners and connecting with relevant and related initiatives—e.g., student success

  • Connecting Civic Learning with Students’ Career Priorities
  • Leveraging the Civic Potential of High Impact Practices (HIPs)
  • Tracking – and Reporting – Students’ Participation and Gains from Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement

5:00 PM

The View from Philanthropy – Committed Leaders Share Views, Values, and Priorities

Every Student, Every Degree

Committing to College Civic Learning for a Democracy in Need of Repair

September 4, 2024, 3:30 - 5:30 PM Eastern

Join us for the launch of the Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement (CLDE) Coalition’s new report, Every Student, Every Degree: College Civic Learning for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy.  Part 1 of the launch focuses on the urgent need to expand college civic learning and democracy engagement to include all students, rather than just some students. The program features student voices, democracy advocates on higher education’s role in bridging our deep divides, and educational leaders who are already working to “scale”  inclusive and transformative CLDE studies for today’s students. Today, a decisive majority of “we the people” enroll in postsecondary education. How can we harvest this unprecedented opportunity–to revitalize civic and democracy learning and propel student success as well?

3:30 PM   

What is College Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement (CLDE)?  How Will It Benefit Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Democracy?

  • Martha Kanter, College Promise
  • Carol Geary Schneider, CLDE Coalition

3:45 PM

Every Student, Every Degree:  What Do Students Advise on CLDE-Related College Learning? 

  • Dawn Whitehead, Association of American Colleges & Universities
  • Maggie Atherton, Salisbury University
  • Emmanuel Gómez, Pasadena City College and Long Beach State University
  • Liora Petter-Lipstein, University of Maryland
  • Dylan Rexroth, George Washington University
  • Taylor Easter, Widener University

4:15 PM

How Can Inclusive CLDE Learning Help Bridge Democracy’s Divides?

  • Bobbie Laur, Campus Compact
  • Ronald Crutcher, University of Richmond
  • Mary Ellen Giess, Interfaith America
  • Kara Dillard, James Madison University
  • Trygve Throntveit, Minnesota Humanities Center
  • John King, State University of New York

4:50 PM

From Vision to Full Participation: How Are Leaders Taking Action to Make Civic Learning Both Inclusive and Transformative?

  • Nancy Shapiro, CLDE Coalition and Multi-State Collaborative
  • Yolanda Watson Spiva, Complete College America
  • Anthea Sweeney, Higher Learning Commission
  • Terri Taylor, Lumina Foundation
  • Tim Eatman, Rutgers University - Newark

5:30 PM


Bring your colleagues!

Register with a team of colleagues for both parts of this CLDE Coalition launch event for Every Student, Every Degree. Thanks to the generosity of the Endeavor Foundation, there is no charge but we do ask you to pre-register. Those who register by August 27 will receive an advance digital copy of Every Student, Every Degree.

Questions? Get in touch with Siah Annand at