Full Name
Anna Durfey
Job Title
Student Changemaker
Roger Williams University
Speaker Bio
Anna is a junior at East Greenwich High School in Rhode Island. Anna completed Prof. Mary Ellen Lynch's "Thriving in a Global World" 3 credit college course as a dually enrolled student in Summer 2020 at Roger Williams University . As a student in Prof. Lynch's course, Anna completed a "Rhode Island Changemakers" class project in which she worked collaboratively with peers to address homelessness in Rhode Island by addressing Sustainable Development Goals 10 & 11. Anna and her peers researched the root causes of homelessness, created a website and social media campaign to raise awareness and collected care packages to donate to local shelters. Anna is an exceptional leader and applied skills learned in "Thriving in a Global World" to start a club at her high school to raise awareness on the issue of homelessness in Rhode Island.