We can’t wait to share all we have planned for the coming academic year!

Every year, the Campus Compact Programming & Resources Outlook highlights what you can expect from Campus Compact in the coming academic year—the programs, resources, events, and opportunities that will support you in serving as responsive and transformative agents of change on campus and in communities. For 2024-2025, join us as we launch our new strategic plan, introduce our goals for the next five years, and share some of the key opportunities you can get involved in right now to further this work on your campus.

We know the work of higher education in advancing an equitable, accessible, and just democracy has never been more important. Join us to learn how Campus Compact can support and inspire the students, faculty, practitioners, and senior leaders on your campus as you continue this critical work.

Who should attend?

This event is free and open to members and non-members.

View last year's Outlook

Take a peek at the recording from last year'sCampus Compact Outlook webinar. You'll hear more about where we've been and what you can expect for this year's event!

Questions? Get in touch with us at events@compact.org