Janett I. Cordovés, Ed.D., Co-Curricular Partnerships Manager at Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), equips and empowers campus professional staff to be interfaith leaders. Prior to joining the IFYC team, Cordovés worked in higher education for thirteen years, serving in various roles including student support services, residence life, orientation and family initiatives, and as a faculty member for first-year experience courses. Janett’s research interests include spirituality, digital faith, and first-generation college students.
Lisa Davidson, Ph.D., Assessment and Research Manager at Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), works with campuses on a variety of efforts related to assessing the effectiveness of interfaith programs and understanding the campus climate for religious, spiritual, and secular diversity. She also supports the national research partnerships between IFYC and scholars who investigate interfaith learning and development among undergraduates. Lisa's own research examines the type of learning and development that result from undergraduates’ intercultural engagement, with a special focus on the inclusive measurement of this. Prior to joining IFYC, Lisa spent 16 years working in a variety of higher education roles including teaching, institutional research, academic advising, and career counseling.