Service learning and community engagement (SLCE) have become near ubiquitous across U.S. higher education. While much scholarship has demonstrated positive student learning outcomes of SLCE, there has been unequal consideration towards understanding the experiences of communities involved. Because community perspectives have been largely missing from the scholarship, this roundtable session, drawing on findings from a community-based case study, aims to engage participants in a discussion that will grapple with questions around the aims of engaged work; the procedures of community partnerships enacted by colleges and universities; and the locus of community partnerships. Participants will workshop a framework of “from nonprofits to neighbors” that aims to (re)imagine SLCE with community partners.
|Learning outcomes:
- Understand and evaluate findings from a community-based case study that focused on understanding community perspectives of service-learning and community engagement.
- Understand the procedures of community partnerships by the intuitions represented.
- Collectively discuss a framework to identify and discuss recommendations to (re)imagine service-learning and community engagement with community partners.
2:45 PM-3:35 PM Eastern | Breakout Sessions