Centering Equity in Civic Engagement Praxis and Language: Meeting the Moment
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
John Reiff Cindy Vincent Elaine Ward

“If we get back to normal, we will have failed.” This statement, boldly displayed on Campus Compact’s conference page, challenges us to seize the moment and build a more just world. This plenary session encourages attendees to take stock and examine how our civic engagement praxis and language center equity, and identify the ways our words and our work hold us back from achieving a just and equitable democracy.  This plenary and the dialogue sessions throughout the conference help us come together to explore and envision a way forward that ensures we do not return to normal. This is our moment- let’s find a better way forward together to create an equitable and inclusive civic engagement praxis. 

Session Type
General Session
Meeting Times

11:30 AM-12:15 PM Eastern | General Session