Dialogue as a Tool to Develop Collaborative Partnerships for Community Impact
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Effective collaboration for community impact requires deliberately engaging in dialogue among community members. The Community Dialogue Series at BGSU provides an innovative model for engaging high school students, university students, faculty, staff, and community members in collaborative efforts across the Town and Gown divide. This presentation will provide an explanation of this model for building a campus-community team with diverse experiences, viewpoints, and skills. Attendees will learn about how community dialogue events were used to identify the strengths and challenges of the community regarding how divisive issues are addressed. Attendees will also discuss how to identify key members of their own communities for effective outreach to engage university and community members in dialogue programming that fosters impactful collaborative partnerships.
Learning outcomes:
  • Participants will:
    • be able to identify key skills for engaging in civil discourse
    • be able to explain how dialogue can be used to identify common goals and develop collaborative strategies among university and community members
    • identify key community members who can assist with outreach to build inclusive university-community teams
Session Type
Small breakout