Using the Civic Learning Spiral to Deepen Student Learning in Co-Curricular Community and Civic Engagement
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Institutions of higher education have tremendous potential to advance the public good and advance our democracy. Co-curricular community and civic engagement is an underutilized tool to help strengthen communities and address the grand challenges of society. However, a lack of preparation for students who lead and engage in this co-curricular work can have harmful effects on communities and reinforce negative stereotypes. This interactive workshop will share a campus partnership model that has involved the development of an experimental curriculum and assessment/evaluation plan for a co-curricular community and civic engagement program based on Musil’s Civic Learning Spiral. This workshop will also engage participants in a broad discussion on how to enhance co-curricular work on college and university campuses across the nation.
Learning outcomes:
  • Participants will learn about how using the Civic Learning Spiral can effectively prepare students who lead and engage in co-curricular engagement experiences
  • Participants will learn about how student impact in co-curricular experiences can be measured using a mixed-methods approach
  • Participants will learn how to enhance co-curricular work on their campuses
Session Type
Small breakout