Successful Community Engagement During Times of Demographic Shift
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Suchitra Gururaj
As highly educated and “creative” people migrate to major American cities, they begin to change the face of those cities, often displacing the public that was originally intended to be the beneficiary, or better yet, partner in community engagement. In this mini-design thinking session, participants will address the question, how do community engagement centers in institutions of higher education define the “community” in “community engagement” and subsequently locate their engagement efforts in “community” when the central unit that is “community” is fluid, changing, or shifting? Participants will be invited to join a community of practice around this issue.
Learning outcomes:
  • Attendees will
    • Share with colleagues their stories about demographic shift in institutions’ communities.
    • Define the single-most pressing issue when it comes to the challenges of demographic shift.
    • Identify stakeholders to engage upon returning to campus.
    • Be invited to a community of practice to continue to discuss ongoing issues in engagement.
Session Type
Small breakout