Creating Engaging Online Social Justice Assignments with a Focus on Community Engagement
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
This interactive presentation will outline the critical need for social justice education, strategies and pitfalls of online education, recognizing potential bias, creation of engaging assignments, and incorporation of community engagement into coursework. An examination of community engagement in coursework will be explored, as well as student and course feedback. The coursework will showcase examples of social justice assignments that can be applied to both online and hybrid courses. Key takeaways for participants include incorporation of social justice and community engagement into online coursework, framework for social justice assignments, and reviewing social justice education through a critical lens pedagogy.
Learning outcomes:
  • Connect social justice theories to principles and practice, considering the diversity of learners, experience, and ability.
  • Develop insight and strategies to incorporate the use of community engagement in social justice settings.
  • Analyze current coursework or outreach practices to consider transformation into engaging social justice assignments.
Session Type
Small breakout