Beliefs, Skills & Practices of Service-Learning: Perspectives from University & Community Partners
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
The presenters will outline the key elements of service-learning that define best practices. The introduction will include how service-learning develops core skills, key players in organizing each institute, who participated and how faculty/community partnerships were formed. The presenters will share the results of the pre-post surveys taken by the faculty and community partners. Session participants will be asked to form small groups to discuss the results, specifically addressing the following questions: What was expected? What was surprising about the results? What adjustments should be made in future institutes to address the concerns highlighted in this project/results?
Learning outcomes:
  • Understand the key elements of service-learning
  • Understand the importance of involving community partners at the start of planning service-learning courses/projects
  • Be able to design a curriculum/workshop to foster the co-creation of service-learning projects
  • Be able to recognize the pitfalls of service-learning practices
Session Type
Small breakout