Including All our Voices: Listening, Learning, and Working Better Together
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Marisol Morales
At a time in history when injustice and polarization are increasing, we must find ways to include more voices in our community engagement efforts. This interactive session focuses on multiple ways of knowing, cultural humility, and acknowledging power and privilege as we learn to mindfully listen and flexibly communicate with one another. Participants will engage in personal and societal reflections on racial and cultural equity and will consider listening styles as ways to intentionally share with others in ways that honor, preserve, and build relationships across differences. Those attending will consider how cultural humility and listening patterns may limit or enhance the information they receive and, subsequently, impact the possibilities for learning conversations between those representing diverse backgrounds.
Learning outcomes:
  • After participating in the session, participants will:
    • Experience ways to learn about ourselves and others. (Ways of knowing)
    • Understand cultural humility as process (US and globally)
    • Gain information about listening (LSR-24 questionnaire- adapted)
    • Explore ways structural inequalities and power impact communication
    • Consider learning conversations to include diverse voices.
Session Type
Small breakout