All Voices Matter: Exploring Justice Through Inclusive Education
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
This session will introduce an educational program that connects undergraduate students with systems-involved youth (“guest students”) in the classroom. Guest students attend class on campus with university students and work together on small group projects analyzing social justice and policy issues, and identifying areas for reform. Attendees in this session will understand the importance of providing this type of programming for both sets of students and the positive outcomes it achieves. Through an interactive exercise, attendees will understand the challenges and benefits of working with a combined classroom, and methods to facilitate engagement between guest and university students. Session leaders will brainstorm with attendees about how to adapt and implement a similar model in their discipline at their institution.
Learning outcomes:
  • Session attendees will learn:
    • how to implement a combined classroom in their institutions.
    • the impact of teaching a combined classroom on both sets of students
    • how youth detention facilities and universities can partner
    • Tips to navigate concerns, expectations, and limitations of government partners
    • Practices learned from teaching a combined classroom
Session Type
Small breakout