Solutions Journalism: A Tool for Creating Civic Empowerment
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Research shows that mainstream media is losing its place as a trusted source of information, and individuals worldwide report avoiding the news because it is predominately negative and fails to present solutions. Rather than contributing to a knowledgeable and engaged populous, the news instead often undermines civic participation and builds cynicism. Solutions journalism is an antidote to this problem; rigorous reporting on solutions to social problems. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the burgeoning field of solutions journalism, and discover how to use this type of story to inform and engage students. Participants will create a story collection on the Solution Journalism Network's SolutionsU website that they can immediately use in their personal and professional lives.
Learning outcomes:
  • Participants will examine the connections between media diets and civic engagement
  • Participants will explore the resources on SolutionsU
  • Participants will develop their own Teaching Collections for their use in classrooms, workshops, worksites and other venues
  • Participants will brainstorm how to create demand for more civically engaging media
Session Type
Small breakout