How to Facilitate an Exploration of Epistemic Justice and Community Engagement Through the Power of Stories
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
John Loggins Star Plaxton-Moore

Epistemic justice foregrounds identity and power in an analysis of ethics and justice countering systems’ default processes that silence and delegitimize certain knowers and ways of knowing, creating epistemic exclusion. Attention to epistemic justice can shape institutional cultures, structures, and practices to identify and remove prejudicial exclusion of students and scholars from participation in the spread of knowledge, credibility discounting, and epistemic marginalization. It is a framework that examines and responds to the impact higher education systems have on privileging whose knowledge is valued, what research is legitimized, and who gets to participate in the creation and spread of knowledge. Story-telling contextualized within an epistemic justice framework validates the assets that each individual has and contributions that everyone can make, believing in their ability and worth, caring for them as individuals, honoring both their individual and group membership while challenging, confronting, and disrupting misconceptions, untruths, and stereotypes that lead to or exacerbate structural inequality and discrimination. A project website is available as a resource for session participants: