Love, Generosity, Listening: Cultivating communities of Care
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Focus Area
Centering mental health, belonging, and well-being
Session Type
Intensive Knowledge-to-Action Workshop

This session will introduce participants to MassArt’s Center for Art and Community Partnerships (CACP) and our Humanifesto, or guiding values. We will share core initiatives (our what) including CACP’s PartnershipWORKS student employment program, sparc! the ArtMobile, Community-Engaged Coursework, and other innovative collaborations. We will also delve into CACP’s how, with a focus on ways we prepare students for engagement with communities of Boston in which they live, work, and learn. This interactive session will offer an experience emblematic of how we co-create and model communities of care, belonging, and well-being with and for our students, partners, and ourselves. Participants will reflect upon and envision ways to expand, refine, and innovate their community engagement work grounded in core values.