Approaching Engagement from a Collaborative Lens
Date & Time
Monday, April 8, 2024, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Location Name
Colorado A
Focus Area
Curricular innovation and student success strategies
Session Type

A rural, land-grant university’s journey to reach beyond our campus and collaborate with external stakeholders. Learn how our approach to engagement is realized in co-curricular and curricular opportunities that enrich students' experiences and preparation for life after graduation. Founded in 2007 by students, our Maroon Volunteer Center (MVC) continues to provide training and opportunities to serve more than 60 area community partners. MVC hosts large service days and promotes ongoing service needs. The Center for Community-Engaged Learning (CCEL) helps connect faculty and students to projects that enrich learning and meet community-identified needs. CCEL hosts a yearly program training faculty to design community-based course projects. Faculty will showcase examples of their work in community engagement alongside their students.