Students Spark National Intergenerational Connection to Reduce Isolation
Date & Time
Monday, April 8, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Location Name
Colorado C
Focus Area
Centering mental health, belonging, and well-being
Session Type

Students from universities across the US have started a national movement with Perfect Pair—a program that individually matches college students and older adults. Come learn how it happened and how to contribute to the movement. In this session, we will go through how we create intentional “matches” that leverage shared backgrounds, interests, and hobbies, provide creative programming (like art, photography, and language learning) free to our pairs, and how we went from 1 chapter to 15 in under 3 years. We will touch on stereotypes surrounding both older and younger adults and how we work to combat them to create meaningful connections between the generations.