How Do We Row Together?: Battling for Democracy in a Zero-Sum World of Fundraising & Resource Access
Date & Time
Monday, April 8, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Location Name
Colorado A
Focus Area
Communicating impact and fundraising
Session Type

The work at the intersection of democracy and higher education tends to draw mission-driven individuals. Everywhere you look at this conference, you will see peers who inspire you to strive for greater equity and access in our political systems and drive you to be your best. But do the funding systems that support our work enhance that collective spirit, or do they inhibit our aspirational selves? At this roundtable, we will come together to talk through the challenges of finding and growing funding to support the work of democracy and higher education, particularly when resources are limited and partnerships create new demands on our teams. Participants will also share what has worked to ensure impactful collaborations in recent years.

Adam Gismondi