This interactive workshop will explore Yosso’s (2005) Community Cultural Wealth Model as a framework for embracing the unique assets, knowledge and talents of students of color. We will discuss the importance of decentering predominantly white approaches for teaching and learning and explore how we can transform our practice in ways that welcome students’ whole selves and actively honor diverse ways of knowing, being, and learning. Examples for incorporating the model into service-learning course design, assignments, and reflection will be shared. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own cultural identities and educational experiences; brainstorm ways to incorporate practices that actively promote inclusive, asset-based teaching and learning experiences; and build their capacity to design equitable and inclusive educational experiences.
|Learning outcomes:
- Reflect on their own cultural identities and educational experiences;
- Deepen their knowledge of Yosso’s Community Cultural Wealth Model;
- Brainstorm focused on ways to incorporate practices and policies that actively promote inclusive, asset-based teaching and learning experiences; and
- Build their capacity to design equitable and inclusive service learning experiences.