In response to the pandemic, University of North Florida’s Center for Community-Based Learning pivoted from in-person to remote community community-based learning. UNF piloted a unique model uniting student employees, FPIRG interns, and CEEP/CVP fellows in a single office working toward common objectives, maximizing resources, including limited staff and a reluctant audience, for remote, student-designed projects. Maintaining the element of student choice in programming has encouraged students to make time in a challenging academic and mental health environment for co-curricular service. Because students are designing the activities themselves, we are not wasting time and resources on well-intended but poorly-attended engagement opportunities. Interns and fellows are later offered the opportunity to become paid student workers, supporting institutionalization of civic education and engagement.
|Learning outcomes:
- strategies to maximize impact by utilizing new resources
- a model for successful integration of external interns to campus civic engagement plans
- strategies for responding to student choice to increase engagement - pitfalls to avoid in civic education