Full Name
Cameron Bertrand
CEO & Founder
Violence Intervention & Prevention VIP LLC, BuyBackTheBlock, and the Gun Violence Intervention & Prevention Outreach & Research Center
Speaker Bio
Cameron Bertrand is an international, serial entrepreneur and Licensed Mental Health Counselor with years of experience serving families and youth through the Virginia Board of Counseling. As a Youth Development Professional, Cameron specializes in resource development, leadership development, and community engagement that is tailored towards the communities he serves. As a gun violence survivor, Cameron advocates for, and provides, wrap-around services, trauma-informed care approaches and programs, as well as opportunities of enrichment to students and families in dozens of cities throughout the world; especially those in underserved areas.

Cameron is the CEO and founder of Gun Violence Intervention & Prevention Outreach & Research Center (GVIP) and Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) LLC ; Founder of BuyBackTheBlock and Beyond The Bullet. VIP LLC, provides the counseling, mentorship and advocacy necessary to help youth and adults transition from or prevent personal and community experiences with violence and trauma. VIP LLC offers free mentorship, advocacy, counseling, and Youth Leadership Programs in dozens of cities across the country as well as in Kampala, Uganda. VIP LLC emphasizes transitioning to adulthood, leadership, and community engagement. As a national community activist and organizer, Cameron is a patron for equity, civic engagement, and advocating policies and legislation that will provide trauma informed, evidence-based, outcome driven solutions and approaches in our community to prevent violence and/or trauma.

Cameron is an alumnus and community partner of Christopher Newport University, having graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Criminology. He served in the United States Army for four years as a 27 Delta Paralegal, and is a published author. For more information about Cameron's Mission, please visit BuyBackTheBlockVIP.org or BeyondTheBullet.org.