Full Name
Trygve Throntveit
Job Title
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Minnesota Humanities Center
Speaker Bio
Trygve Throntveit is Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Minnesota Humanities Center, Global Fellow for History and Public Policy at the Wilson Center, and co-founder and director of the Institute for Public Life and Work (IPLW). He received his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Harvard University, where he also served as Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies before joining Dartmouth College's inaugural cohort of John Sloan Dickey Fellows in US Foreign Policy and International Security. A scholar of US intellectual history, politics, foreign policy, and civic life, Throntveit seeks opportunities to dissolve the boundaries separating academic and public life, and to make institutions more porous to the knowledge and wisdom of citizens. In 2021 he co-founded Third Way Civics (3WC): an effort to infuse civic learning and purpose into undergraduate curricula while transcending the Civics and History Wars now undermining American education and public life. With support from the Minnesota Humanities Center, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Teagle Foundation, 3WC has spread to ten institutions (and counting) across Minnesota, Indiana, Florida, and Missouri.
Trygve Throntveit