Full Name
Carol Geary Schneider
Job Title
Senior Advisor and President Emerita
College Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement Coalition and American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Speaker Bio
Carol Geary Schneider is president emerita of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) which she led for eighteen years. She now serves as Senior Advisor for the Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement Coalition (CLDE). Founded in 2021 by AAC&U, College Promise, Complete College America and the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO), the CLDE Coalition is spearheading a national effort to make democracy learning and collaborative civic problem-solving an expected (rather than optional) part of all students’ degree pathways. Carol was part of the National Task Force that wrote A Crucible Moment: College Learning for Democracy’s Future (2012) and has been a long-time proponent of connecting college civic learning with the needs of a diverse and still inequitable democracy.
Carol Geary Schneider