Critical Consciousness for Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning
Thursday, April 22, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT)

This webinar idea grew out of a Campus Compact Community of Practice entitled 'Developing Students' Critical Consciousness through Meaningful Praxis in Community Engagement'. During this Community of Practice, facilitators and participants alike found the need to continue this ever-increasingly important dialogue and consider ways to further enhance, development, and theorize critical consciousness in community engaged teaching and learning. Presenters will 1) define critical consciousness as it has been articulated in current and relevant research, 2) describe ways to engage others in their own safe exploration of critical reflection as it relates to the development towards a critical consciousness, and 3) provide examples of how critical consciousness has the ability to "intervene in order to change outcomes and realities" and transform and empower the lives of youth.

Speakers:  Aaliyah Baker, Amy Garrigan, Tanden Brekke, Kristina Kofoot